Testimonials from Around The World
We invite you to share your words of inspiration and wisdom with your personal testimonial.
You can submit your written or video testimonials by clicking here. You can also record your own 60-second video testimonial.

I am new to the movement and still learning. With all the things going on in the world I long for peace and freedom which attracted me to the movement. As a new member I am still observing the activities of the movement. I hope walking the talk will inspire me to do the same.

Christina Glazar
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK anyone can do while journeying through this earthly realm. Promote free and respectful interaction CONSISTENTLY. I intend to partner with this organization to generate synergy so the ideas will one day spread like flames in a dry field of tinder wood.

Peter Wilson
I met Marc J. Victor through his activity in forwarding freedom with his law firm and presenting the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement. I have had good experience with the Live and Let Live Movement, supported by the Moral and Legal Principles that address human interaction and the process toward freedom and peace. I'm passionate about world peace and, as a clinical psychologist, find the Principles to be a solid foundation for building solid aspirational values.

Dr. Michael R. Edelstein
I was introduced to the Live and Let Live Movement and loved the Principle. It supports my mission and business intentions. I have spoken about my involvement and shared the website in my newsletter and in a webinar. I have daily discussions with my clients about the movement.

Karen Seegert
I find the Live and Let Live Moral and Legal Principles to be a unifying force for everyone to engage the potential of freedom and peace through working together. The Movement's capacity for inspired activity is already evident with chapters in place around the globe. Marc's visionary practical political philosophy rocks!

Zen Benefiel
Live and Let Live is the first initiative that offers a comprehensive vision for the things I care about: sustainability, peace and prosperity for all. Marc J. Victor’s low ego, positive and tenacious leadership is exactly what was needed to bring Live and Let Live to the world. There is no earthly cause more meaningful than global peace and no easy answers to achieve it, but the Live and Let Live framework is the most efficacious and hopeful path I’ve seen.

Robbie Miles
I met Marc J. Victor in a video chat with a mutual friend, and it became obvious in our discussion that he had put a lot of thought into his concept and plans for the Live and Let Live Movement. The ideals inform me in my local political activism, and I believe that is its greatest practical strength. I am clear in my vision for freedom and peace, and I bring my clarity to the local political meetings I attend and to all the local political events that I help to organize.

John Howard
Any movement for Global Peace is of interest to me, but what stands out about Live and Let Live is the focus on personal freedom, zero aggression and a commitment to acceptance of anything that does not cause harm. My connection and conversation with Zen has been my initial inspiration, I am looking forward to learning more and finding how I can add value to the movement and share its benefits.

Stephan Karbaron
I was invited to learn about the Live and Let Live Movement at an event in Hawaii. Marc J. Victor's eloquent and deeply thoughtful practical political philosophy captivated me immediately. I truly see a concrete way forward for freedom and peace.

Jennifer Hunt
I am the founding president and CEO of Face of Liberty International, an organization saddled with expanding African continent growth by working with a network of independent partner organizations that promote free market, individual freedom and are devoted to pinpointing and expunging any blockage to human success. Since I got connected with the 3LM, I have made it a matter of passion to share the idea in my local territory. I have also taken the Principle being preached to Universities in Nigeria.