We have 30+ chapters in 20+ countries!

We haven’t officially lauched yet. Our name and message are obviously attractive to reasonable people all over the globe.

Our purpose is to inspire people to live in peace and calibrate (assess and adjust) the law for freedom. Our vision is for all humans to live in freedom with the opportunity to prosper and pursue their happiness in any peaceful way they choose.

Our Core Practical Peace Philosophy

The Movement offers two simple principles, that when followed, applied and implemented, will facilitate global freedom and peace, which is our goal. By removing all aggression from all law, freedom is achieved. By all humans, being good people, peace is achieved. While simple, there is a need to explore, apply, and implement the principles in order to achieve our goal. 

The Movement believes global peace can be achieved in our lifetime. The Movement lays out the answers to the fundamental questions of how to create freedom and peace by calibrating (assess and adjust) the laws and being an excellent human. To achieve this, it creates community and activities to explore and apply its principles.

The Movement is building a powerful global community and resources for creating freedom and peace, bringing together the key principles, people, prosperity, peace thought leaders, as well as donors and sponsors to create freedom and peace.

Embarking on a journey with the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement is not just a choice; it’s a profound commitment to the very principles that underpin a peaceful society. Our movement is built upon a foundation of both moral and legal principles, ones that recognize the inherent dignity of every individual and the imperative of peaceful coexistence.

At its core, Live and Let Live Practical Peace Philosophy upholds the fundamental right to live free from aggression and harm, a right that extends to individuals and governments alike. We advocate for a political philosophy that assesses and calibrates laws to eliminate aggression, fostering an environment where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, empathy, and understanding, rather than force.

By joining us, you stand at the forefront of a movement that envisions a world where compassion guides actions, where respect for one another transcends boundaries, and where a shared commitment to peace dismantles barriers. Your membership is not just an endorsement; it’s a powerful catalyst for change, for a world where the practical implementation of these principles leads us towards a brighter, more peaceful future for all.

We believe any reasonable person would want to join us for this world-changing endeavor. Will you?

Below are a few folks offering their support and testimonials. They are people like you/

Join the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement

I endorse the Live and Let Live Practical Peace Philosophy consisting of a Moral Principle, encouaging people to be excellent humans, and a Legal Principle, seeking to outlaw all acts of aggression. Please keep me informed about the Movement.

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