A social enterprise is a business with social objectives. Social enterprises are usually a blend of private and volunteer sectors. They are businesses where the aim is to start social good as well as pursue profit and benefit the community.
How does the Live and Let Live Social Enterprise work?
The Live and Let Live Foundation blends nonprofit and social enterprise activity to promote the Philosophy and make opportunities for prosperity available to Program Hosts (event oganizers).
Our goal is to garner corporate sponsorships that enable micro-loans to the event organizers for start-up costs; up-front hard costs for speakers, venues and promotion. Program Hosts share in the revenue with 50% of net profits.
Prosperity is a precursor to freedom and peace.
Benefits and Features
Events/Fundraisers are designed to promote the Live and Let Live Philosophy and build community.
The 3LM and rationale of the social enterprise system provides practical and pragmatic opportunities to grow communities locally and globally, featuring companies, corporations and organizations that align with the message and demonstrate their commitment to working together for freedom and peace.
The 3L Foundation offers a complete system for fundraising event management, from start to finish, with curriculum and training. Program hosts earn and learn. By hosting successful fundraising events hosts earn 50% of net profits.
Whether individual, small group or organizational, the opportunities to rally local companies and organizations help build authority and credibility in their local communities with a global impact.