How to Cope With an Insult
You disturb yourself emotionally; no one else can. KEY POINTS You control your emotions. Your emotions come from your thinking. You can combat your own “hurt feelings” by questioning them. “It is not events that disturb people, it is their...
The Live and Let Live Summary
The Live and Let Live Summary by Attorney Marc J. Victor The Live and Let Live Principle essentially holds that aggression is wrong. There is simply no way to achieve a free or peaceful world so long as the law...
Introduction to The Live and Let Live Movement
Introduction to The Live and Let Live Movement by Attorney Marc J. Victor In 2019, Marc founded the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement to build a community of committed people advocating for freedom globally. The Movement promotes a...
Attorney Marc J. Victor on the Peaceful Anarchism Podcast
Attorney Marc J. Victor on the Peaceful Anarchism Podcast.
Maybe We Can Learn Something From the Marijuana Experience?
I’ve been a full-time practicing criminal defense attorney in Arizona since 1994. For that entire time, I’ve been arguing, as publicly as possible, that laws criminalizing peaceful marijuana use by competent adults should be immediately repealed. Indeed, they are entirely...
It’s Time for a New Political Movement
Are you wondering why the world is in so much chaos? Does it feel like we are on the brink of a civil war? Are you wondering why we can’t get along? Are you frustrated with the endless bickering between...