Live and Let Live Alliance Organizations

Aligning Passion and Purpose Globally

Business practices and organizational development functions always lead the rest of civic and non-profit organizations serving segments of populations with their specific vision and mission. Our vision of global peace can be a reality. The world is connected now, a global village exists beyond our imagination prior to the turn of the century.

The nature and principle of the Live and Let Live Movement is to aspire to and promote being a good human and to assess and adjust the law to remove aggression. The Live and Let Live Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity, supports the activities of the Movement.

Being a good human means helping one another grow and prosper in sustainable ways to support non-aggression, which we hope will evolve to a free society able to support and sustain peace in the world. We know other organizations may not have freedom and peace as their specific focus, yet the support for such is replete in their activity toward peace.

We invite organizational representatives to join the Live and Let Live Movement first here, then register your organization below in alliance with and support of the aspirations, efforts and principles of the Movement. Just click on the yellow button. Your organization will be featured on our Live and Let Live Alliances page. We’re in the gathering phase now. Expect to see a page showing those alliances soon.

Warmly, Bristol, United Kingdom

The Conscious Enterprise Network


The Octopus Movement


Rescue Our Future


Global Harmony Assoc.

Coco Beach, Florida

OTEL Universe

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