What Does Live and Let Live Mean?
May 10, 2022 -
To “live and let live” means what it says. “Live” is an encouragement to live your life. Competent adults are in charge of their own…
Why Should I Agree with the Live and Let Live Principle?
May 10, 2022 -
There are many different reasons why people conclude aggression is wrong. Many people agree based on their religious beliefs. Indeed, most religious and moral traditions…
Does Live and Let Live Lead to Big or Small Government?
May 10, 2022 -
The Live and Let Live Legal Principle prohibits aggression whether it is initiated by an individual, a group of individuals, or a group of individuals…
What are the Values of the Live and Let Live Movement?
May 10, 2022 -
The Live and Let Movement is anchored to the Live and Let Principle as its basic foundational principle. The Live and Let Live Principle can…
Is the Live and Let Live Movement Republican or Democratic?
May 10, 2022 -
The Live and Let Live Movement welcomes members of all political parties and people who are entirely non-political. The only requirement to be a member…
Is the Live and Let Live Movement Capitalist or Socialist?
May 10, 2022 -
The Live and Let Live Movement is open to people who prefer and promote free-market capitalism as well as to people who prefer and promote…